Gradient Boosting

Introduction to Gradient Boosting

Introduction to Boosting

This module introduces the concept of boosting, an ensemble learning technique in which weak learners are combined together by using weights. This iterative process is continued by modifying the weights to emphasize inaccurate predictions, which can then be better predicted in future iterations.


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to


The decision tree is one of the simplest machine learning algorithms to understand. Simple to develop and easy to apply, they quickly became a popular machine learning tool. However, they can be prone to overfitting the data, especially when they become too large. As a result, ensemble techniques were developed that combined the predictions from many decision trees, that in general are small and might be trained only on a fraction of the data, to make a more powerful meta-estimator.

In the Bagging lesson, we explored the concept of bagging, which can be used to construct one type of ensemble estimator. Bagging employs bootstrap aggregation to first create samples of the original data set, which are each used to construct a weak learner, generally by using a decision tree. Finally, these weak learners are aggregated together to make a more powerful predictor.

In this module, we introduce a second approach, known as boosting, where many weak learners, for example, very shallow decision trees (also known as tree stumps), are trained. The predictions from these weak learners are combined together, for example, by majority voting, and the results are used to generate weights for the input training data. These weights are used by the boosting algorithm to emphasize instances that are incorrectly predicted, and to deemphasize instances that are correctly predicted. This process continues iteratively, during which the weak learners eventually become more accurate.

I introduce two algorithms that implement boosting: Gradient Tree Boosting and Adaboost. For space considerations, we focus most of the module on effectively using Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT). First, we demonstrate this algorithm on the Iris classification task, which also allows us to demonstrate how this algorithm can be used to compute feature importances, as well as use decision surfaces to explore different hyperparameters. Finally, the Adaboost algorithm is quickly presented by applying it to these same data sets.

Throughout this module, you should think about how these results from boosting are different than the results from the other algorithms, in particular the bagging algorithms introduced in a different module. You also should explore how changes in the default hyperparameter values affect the performance of this algorithm.


While there are a number of different boosting algorithms two of the more popular ones are the Adaboost algorithm, which is short for adaptive boosting, and the Gradient Tree Boosting algorithm. The Adaboost algorithm works as the earlier boosting description outlined. Weights are generated in each iteration and used to improve the overall prediction of the aggregated weak learners. The Gradient Tree Boosting algorithm extends this to support arbitrary cost (or loss) functions, beyond the minimization of the deviation between predicted and actual labels (classification), or least squares (regression).

These two algorithms will both be explored in this module, although most of the module focuses on the Gradient Tree Boosting, with the Adaboost algorithm presented at the end for comparison purposes. The construction of the individual base learners is based on a permutation of the features when determining the best split. Thus, the individual learners can be different, even if they are constructed by using all of the training data. These and other characteristics of the Gradient Tree Boosting algorithm are controlled by a set of hyperparameters, many of which are the same as for bagging estimators. Some of the more useful hyperparameters include:

Integer specifying the total number of trees to fit. This is equivalent to the number of iterations and the number of basis functions in the additive expansion. Default is 100.

Integer specifying the maximum depth of each tree (i.e., the highest level of variable interactions allowed). A value of 1 implies an additive model, a value of 2 implies a model with up to 2-way interactions, etc. Default is 1.

Integer specifying the minimum number of observations in the terminal nodes of the trees. Note that this is the actual number of observations, not the total weight.

a shrinkage parameter applied to each tree in the expansion. Also known as the learning rate or step-size reduction; 0.001 to 0.1 usually work, but a smaller learning rate typically requires more trees. Default is 0.1.

Classification: Iris Data

Here we go again 😆


#lets split the data 60/40
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(iris$Species, p = .6, list = FALSE, times = 1)

#grab the data
irisTrain <- iris[ trainIndex,]
irisTest  <- iris[-trainIndex,]

ggplot(data=irisTrain)+geom_point(mapping = aes(x=Petal.Length,y=Petal.Width,color=Species),alpha=0.5) + labs(color = "Training Species")+
geom_point(data=irisTest, ,mapping = aes(x=Petal.Length,y=Petal.Width,shape=Species)) + labs(shape = "Testing Species") +
  ggtitle("The data")+
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=10, face='bold'))

The Model

#added something here
IrisXGB<- train(
  form = factor(Species) ~ .,
  data = irisTrain,
  #here we add classProbs because we want probs
  trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10,
                           classProbs =  TRUE),
  method = "gbm",
  tuneLength = 20,
  #add this please

n.trees interaction.depth shrinkage n.minobsinnode
142 100 8 0.1 10

  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "50%",height="300px")
setosa versicolor virginica
0.9999999 0.0000001 0.0000001
1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.9999999 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.9999999 0.0000001 0.0000001
0.9999604 0.0000391 0.0000005
0.9999998 0.0000002 0.0000000
0.9998762 0.0001231 0.0000007
0.9999996 0.0000004 0.0000000
1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.9999999 0.0000000 0.0000001
0.9999998 0.0000002 0.0000000
0.9999999 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.9999993 0.0000007 0.0000000
1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.9956348 0.0023072 0.0020580
0.9999999 0.0000001 0.0000001
0.9999996 0.0000004 0.0000000
0.9999995 0.0000004 0.0000001
1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000146 0.2480013 0.7519840
0.0000000 0.9999999 0.0000000
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000004 0.9999952 0.0000044
0.0000001 0.9999883 0.0000116
0.0000000 0.9999998 0.0000001
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000001 0.9999947 0.0000053
0.0000003 0.0000695 0.9999302
0.0000000 1.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000007 0.9994671 0.0005322
0.0000001 0.0000253 0.9999747
0.0000001 0.9999972 0.0000028
0.0000001 0.9999976 0.0000023
0.0000001 0.0000211 0.9999788
0.0000709 0.9999073 0.0000218
0.0000101 0.9966311 0.0033587
0.0000000 0.9999997 0.0000003
0.0000001 0.9999953 0.0000046
0.0000001 0.9999996 0.0000004
0.0000000 0.0000017 0.9999983
0.0000000 0.0000106 0.9999893
0.0000000 0.0000017 0.9999983
0.0000000 0.0000017 0.9999983
0.0000000 0.0000038 0.9999962
0.0000002 0.0002156 0.9997843
0.0000000 0.0000008 0.9999992
0.0000000 0.0000001 0.9999999
0.0000015 0.0245239 0.9754746
0.0000009 0.0048799 0.9951192
0.0000004 0.0001712 0.9998285
0.0000099 0.1688174 0.8311727
0.0000009 0.0007682 0.9992310
0.0000000 0.0000017 0.9999983
0.0000000 0.0000034 0.9999966
0.0000000 0.0000031 0.9999969
0.0000000 0.0000040 0.9999960
0.0000000 0.0000013 0.9999987
0.0000000 0.0000013 0.9999987
0.0000002 0.0003979 0.9996019

  mutate(prediction=if_else(setosa>versicolor & setosa>virginica,"setosa",
                            if_else(versicolor>setosa & versicolor>virginica, "versicolor",
                                    if_else(virginica>setosa & virginica>versicolor,"virginica", "PROBLEM"))))


    setosa versicolor  virginica 
        20         16         24 

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction   setosa versicolor virginica
  setosa         20          0         0
  versicolor      0         16         0
  virginica       0          4        20

Overall Statistics
               Accuracy : 0.9333         
                 95% CI : (0.838, 0.9815)
    No Information Rate : 0.3333         
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16      
                  Kappa : 0.9            
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA             

Statistics by Class:

                     Class: setosa Class: versicolor Class: virginica
Sensitivity                 1.0000            0.8000           1.0000
Specificity                 1.0000            1.0000           0.9000
Pos Pred Value              1.0000            1.0000           0.8333
Neg Pred Value              1.0000            0.9091           1.0000
Prevalence                  0.3333            0.3333           0.3333
Detection Rate              0.3333            0.2667           0.3333
Detection Prevalence        0.3333            0.2667           0.4000
Balanced Accuracy           1.0000            0.9000           0.9500

Lets have a little fun with ggplot and the confusion matrix 😈

  geom_raster(aes(x=Reference, y=Prediction, fill=Freq)) + 
  geom_text(aes(x=Reference, y=Prediction, label=Freq)) +
   scale_fill_gradient2( low = "darkred", high = "pink", na.value="black", name = "Freq" )+
  scale_x_discrete(name="Actual Class") + 
  scale_y_discrete(name="Predicted Class")+
  ggtitle("Confusion is fun")+
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust=0.5, size=10, face='bold'))

How did I figure out how to make the above graph? 🤔

Gradient Tree Boosting: Feature Importance

We can leverage the fact that the gradient tree boosting algorithm builds many weak learners and iteratively improves them to determine the importance of the different features. By default, these values simply encode the importance of a feature, where higher values are more important. We can take the ratio of these values, however, to compute a relative importance.



                      var   rel.inf
Petal.Length Petal.Length 54.367434
Petal.Width   Petal.Width 38.353661
Sepal.Width   Sepal.Width  5.463525
Sepal.Length Sepal.Length  1.815380
#had to add something 
V<-caret::varImp(IrisXGB, n.trees=500)$importance%>%

Petal.Length 100.000000
Petal.Width 69.527789
Sepal.Width 6.941965
Sepal.Length 0.000000
ggplot2::ggplot(V, aes(x=reorder(rownames(V),Overall), y=Overall)) +
geom_point( color="blue", size=4, alpha=0.6)+
geom_segment( aes(x=rownames(V), xend=rownames(V), y=0, yend=Overall), 
color='skyblue') +
ylab('Overall Importance')+
theme_light() +

Gradient Tree Boosting: Decision Surface

#lets split the data 60/40
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(iris$Species, p = .6, list = FALSE, times = 1)

#grab the data
train <- iris[ trainIndex,]
test  <- iris[-trainIndex,]

mygrid<-expand.grid(interaction.depth = seq(2, 11, by = 2),
                        n.trees = seq(50, 250, by = 50),
                        n.minobsinnode = 10,
                        shrinkage = c(0.01, 0.1))

Irisgbm<- train(
  form = factor(Species) ~ .,
  data = train,
  #here we add classProbs because we want probs
  trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10,
                           classProbs =  TRUE),
  method = "gbm",
  tuneGrid = mygrid,

n.trees interaction.depth shrinkage n.minobsinnode
26 50 2 0.1 10
pl = seq(min(iris$Petal.Length), max(iris$Petal.Length), by=0.1)
pw = seq(min(iris$Petal.Width), max(iris$Petal.Width), by=0.1)

# generates the boundaries for your graph
lgrid <- expand.grid(Petal.Length=pl, 
                     Sepal.Length = 5.4,

IrisgbmGrid2 <- predict(Irisgbm, newdata=lgrid)
IrisgbmGrid <- as.numeric(IrisgbmGrid2)

# get the points from the test data...
testPred <- predict(Irisgbm, newdata=test)
testPred <- as.numeric(testPred)
# this gets the points for the testPred...
test$Pred <- testPred

probs <- matrix(IrisgbmGrid, length(pl), length(pw))

ggplot(data=lgrid) + stat_contour(aes(x=Petal.Length, y=Petal.Width, z=IrisgbmGrid),bins=10) +
  geom_point(aes(x=Petal.Length, y=Petal.Width, colour=IrisgbmGrid2),alpha=.2) +
  geom_point(data=test, aes(x=Petal.Length, y=Petal.Width, shape=Species), size=2) + 
  labs(shape = "Testing Species") +
  geom_point(data=train, aes(x=Petal.Length, y=Petal.Width, color=Species), size=2, alpha=0.75)+
  labs(color = "Training Species")+
  ggtitle("Decision Surface")

Exercise 1

  1. Use the tips data set and gradient boosting to predict sex. Include a confusion matrix, roc curve, gain chart, and a lift chart. Look back at the random forest module for the roc, gain, and lift code. 👍 😄


Gradient Tree Boosting: Regression

We can also use gradient boosting to perform regression; however, in this case we attempt to create trees whose leaf nodes contain data that are nearby in the overall feature space. To predict a continuous value from a tree, we either have leaf nodes with only one feature, and use the relevant feature from that instance as our predictor, or we compute summary statistics from the instances in the appropriate leaf node, such as the mean or mode. The boosting algorithm combines these predictions together to (hopefully) make a more accurate estimator.

Lets get some more interesting data:

# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("tyluRp/ucimlr")

  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%",height="300px")
name type task variable_types observations variables year
Abalone Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 4177 8 1995
Adult Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 48842 14 1996
Annealing Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 798 38 NA
Anonymous Microsoft Web Data NA Recommender-Systems Categorical 37711 294 1998
Arrhythmia Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 452 279 1998
Artificial Characters Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 6000 7 1992
Audiology (Original) Multivariate Classification Categorical 226 NA 1987
Audiology (Standardized) Multivariate Classification Categorical 226 69 1992
Auto MPG Multivariate Regression Categorical, Real 398 8 1993
Automobile Multivariate Regression Categorical, Integer, Real 205 26 1987
Badges Univariate, Text Classification NA 294 1 1994
Balance Scale Multivariate Classification Categorical 625 4 1994
Balloons Multivariate Classification Categorical 16 4 NA
Breast Cancer Multivariate Classification Categorical 286 9 1988
Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original) Multivariate Classification Integer 699 10 1992
Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Prognostic) Multivariate Classification, Regression Real 198 34 1995
Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Multivariate Classification Real 569 32 1995
Pittsburgh Bridges Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 108 13 1990
Car Evaluation Multivariate Classification Categorical 1728 6 1997
Census Income Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 48842 14 1996
Chess (King-Rook vs. King-Knight) Multivariate, Data-Generator Classification Categorical, Integer NA 22 1988
Chess (King-Rook vs. King-Pawn) Multivariate Classification Categorical 3196 36 1989
Chess (King-Rook vs. King) Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 28056 6 1994
Chess (Domain Theories) Domain-Theory NA NA NA NA NA
Bach Chorales Univariate, Time-Series NA Categorical, Integer 100 6 NA
Connect-4 Multivariate, Spatial Classification Categorical 67557 42 1995
Credit Approval Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 690 15 NA
Japanese Credit Screening Multivariate, Domain-Theory Classification Categorical, Real, Integer 125 NA 1992
Computer Hardware Multivariate Regression Integer 209 9 1987
Contraceptive Method Choice Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 1473 9 1997
Covertype Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 581012 54 1998
Cylinder Bands Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 512 39 1995
Dermatology Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 366 33 1998
Diabetes Multivariate, Time-Series NA Categorical, Integer NA 20 NA
DGP2 - The Second Data Generation Program Data-Generator NA Real NA NA NA
Document Understanding NA NA NA NA NA 1994
EBL Domain Theories NA NA NA NA NA NA
Echocardiogram Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 132 12 1989
Ecoli Multivariate Classification Real 336 8 1996
Flags Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 194 30 1990
Function Finding NA Function-Learning Real 352 NA 1990
Glass Identification Multivariate Classification Real 214 10 1987
Haberman’s Survival Multivariate Classification Integer 306 3 1999
Hayes-Roth Multivariate Classification Categorical 160 5 1989
Heart Disease Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 303 75 1988
Hepatitis Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 155 19 1988
Horse Colic Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 368 27 1989
ICU Multivariate, Time-Series NA Real NA NA NA
Image Segmentation Multivariate Classification Real 2310 19 1990
Internet Advertisements Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 3279 1558 1998
Ionosphere Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 351 34 1989
Iris Multivariate Classification Real 150 4 1988
ISOLET Multivariate Classification Real 7797 617 1994
Kinship Relational Relational-Learning Categorical 104 12 1990
Labor Relations Multivariate NA Categorical, Integer, Real 57 16 1988
LED Display Domain Multivariate, Data-Generator Classification Categorical NA 7 1988
Lenses Multivariate Classification Categorical 24 4 1990
Letter Recognition Multivariate Classification Integer 20000 16 1991
Liver Disorders Multivariate NA Categorical, Integer, Real 345 7 1990
Logic Theorist Domain-Theory NA NA NA NA NA
Lung Cancer Multivariate Classification Integer 32 56 1992
Lymphography Multivariate Classification Categorical 148 18 1988
Mechanical Analysis Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 209 8 1990
Meta-data Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 528 22 1996
Mobile Robots Domain-Theory NA Categorical, Integer, Real NA NA 1995
Molecular Biology (Promoter Gene Sequences) Sequential, Domain-Theory Classification Categorical 106 58 1990
Molecular Biology (Protein Secondary Structure) Sequential Classification Categorical 128 NA NA
Molecular Biology (Splice-junction Gene Sequences) Sequential, Domain-Theory Classification Categorical 3190 61 1992
MONK’s Problems Multivariate Classification Categorical 432 7 1992
Moral Reasoner Domain-Theory NA NA 202 NA 1994
Multiple Features Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 2000 649 NA
Mushroom Multivariate Classification Categorical 8124 22 1987
Musk (Version 1) Multivariate Classification Integer 476 168 1994
Musk (Version 2) Multivariate Classification Integer 6598 168 1994
Nursery Multivariate Classification Categorical 12960 8 1997
Othello Domain Theory Domain-Theory NA NA NA NA 1991
Page Blocks Classification Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 5473 10 1995
Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits Multivariate Classification Integer 5620 64 1998
Pen-Based Recognition of Handwritten Digits Multivariate Classification Integer 10992 16 1998
Post-Operative Patient Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 90 8 1993
Primary Tumor Multivariate Classification Categorical 339 17 1988
Prodigy Domain-Theory NA NA NA NA NA
Qualitative Structure Activity Relationships Domain-Theory NA NA NA NA NA
Quadruped Mammals Multivariate, Data-Generator Classification Real NA 72 1992
Servo Multivariate Regression Categorical, Integer 167 4 1993
Shuttle Landing Control Multivariate Classification Categorical 15 6 1988
Solar Flare Multivariate Regression Categorical 1389 10 1989
Soybean (Large) Multivariate Classification Categorical 307 35 1988
Soybean (Small) Multivariate Classification Categorical 47 35 1987
Challenger USA Space Shuttle O-Ring Multivariate Regression Integer 23 4 1993
Low Resolution Spectrometer Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 531 102 1988
Spambase Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 4601 57 1999
SPECT Heart Multivariate Classification Categorical 267 22 2001
SPECTF Heart Multivariate Classification Integer 267 44 2001
Sponge Multivariate Clustering Categorical, Integer 76 45 NA
Statlog Project NA NA NA NA NA 1992
Student Loan Relational Domain-Theory NA NA 1000 NA 1993
Teaching Assistant Evaluation Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 151 5 1997
Tic-Tac-Toe Endgame Multivariate Classification Categorical 958 9 1991
Thyroid Disease Multivariate, Domain-Theory Classification Categorical, Real 7200 21 1987
Trains Multivariate Classification Categorical 10 32 1994
University Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 285 17 1988
Congressional Voting Records Multivariate Classification Categorical 435 16 1987
Water Treatment Plant Multivariate Clustering Integer, Real 527 38 1993
Waveform Database Generator (Version 1) Multivariate, Data-Generator Classification Real 5000 21 1988
Waveform Database Generator (Version 2) Multivariate, Data-Generator Classification Real 5000 40 1988
Wine Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 178 13 1991
Yeast Multivariate Classification Real 1484 8 1996
Zoo Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 101 17 1990
Undocumented NA NA NA NA NA NA
Twenty Newsgroups Text NA NA 20000 NA 1999
Australian Sign Language signs Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Categorical, Real 6650 15 1999
Australian Sign Language signs (High Quality) Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 2565 22 2002
US Census Data (1990) Multivariate Clustering Categorical 2458285 68 NA
Census-Income (KDD) Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 299285 40 2000
Coil 1999 Competition Data Multivariate NA Categorical, Real 340 17 1999
Corel Image Features Multivariate NA Real 68040 89 1999
E. Coli Genes Relational NA NA NA NA 2001
EEG Database Multivariate, Time-Series NA Categorical, Integer, Real 122 4 1999
El Nino Spatio-temporal NA Integer, Real 178080 12 1999
Entree Chicago Recommendation Data Transactional, Sequential Recommender-Systems Categorical 50672 NA 2000
CMU Face Images Image Classification Integer 640 NA 1999
Insurance Company Benchmark (COIL 2000) Multivariate Regression, Description Categorical, Integer 9000 86 2000
Internet Usage Data Multivariate NA Categorical, Integer 10104 72 1999
IPUMS Census Database Multivariate NA Categorical, Integer 256932 61 1999
Japanese Vowels Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 640 12 NA
KDD Cup 1998 Data Multivariate Regression Categorical, Integer 191779 481 1998
KDD Cup 1999 Data Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 4000000 42 1999
M. Tuberculosis Genes Relational NA NA NA NA 2001
Movie Multivariate, Relational NA NA 10000 NA 1999 Anonymous Web Data Sequential NA Categorical 989818 NA NA
NSF Research Award Abstracts 1990-2003 Text NA NA 129000 NA 2003
Pioneer-1 Mobile Robot Data Multivariate, Time-Series NA Categorical, Real NA NA 1999
Pseudo Periodic Synthetic Time Series Univariate, Time-Series NA NA 100000 NA 1999
Reuters-21578 Text Categorization Collection Text Classification Categorical 21578 5 1997
Robot Execution Failures Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Integer 463 90 1999
Synthetic Control Chart Time Series Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real 600 NA 1999
Syskill and Webert Web Page Ratings Multivariate, Text Classification Categorical 332 5 1998
UNIX User Data Text, Sequential NA NA NA NA NA
Volcanoes on Venus - JARtool experiment Image Classification NA NA NA NA
Statlog (Australian Credit Approval) Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real 690 14 NA
Statlog (German Credit Data) Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 1000 20 1994
Statlog (Heart) Multivariate Classification Categorical, Real 270 13 NA
Statlog (Landsat Satellite) Multivariate Classification Integer 6435 36 1993
Statlog (Image Segmentation) Multivariate Classification Real 2310 19 1990
Statlog (Shuttle) Multivariate Classification Integer 58000 9 NA
Statlog (Vehicle Silhouettes) Multivariate Classification Integer 946 18 NA
Connectionist Bench (Nettalk Corpus) Multivariate NA Categorical 20008 4 NA
Connectionist Bench (Sonar, Mines vs. Rocks) Multivariate Classification Real 208 60 NA
Connectionist Bench (Vowel Recognition - Deterding Data) NA Classification Real 528 10 NA
Economic Sanctions Domain-Theory NA NA NA NA NA
Protein Data NA NA NA NA NA NA
Cloud Multivariate NA Real 1024 10 1989
CalIt2 Building People Counts Multivariate, Time-Series NA Categorical, Integer 10080 4 2006
Dodgers Loop Sensor Multivariate, Time-Series NA Categorical, Integer 50400 3 2006
Poker Hand Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 1025010 11 2007
MAGIC Gamma Telescope Multivariate Classification Real 19020 11 2007
UJI Pen Characters Multivariate, Sequential Classification Integer 1364 NA 2007
Mammographic Mass Multivariate Classification Integer 961 6 2007
Forest Fires Multivariate Regression Real 517 13 2008
Reuters Transcribed Subset Text Classification NA 200 NA 2008
Bag of Words Text Clustering Integer 8000000 100000 2008
Concrete Compressive Strength Multivariate Regression Real 1030 9 2007
Hill-Valley Sequential Classification Real 606 101 2008
Arcene Multivariate Classification Real 900 10000 2008
Dexter Multivariate Classification Integer 2600 20000 2008
Dorothea Multivariate Classification Integer 1950 100000 2008
Gisette Multivariate Classification Integer 13500 5000 2008
Madelon Multivariate Classification Real 4400 500 2008
Ozone Level Detection Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification Real 2536 73 2008
Abscisic Acid Signaling Network Multivariate Causal-Discovery Integer 300 43 2008
Parkinsons Multivariate Classification Real 197 23 2008
Character Trajectories Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real 2858 3 2008
Blood Transfusion Service Center Multivariate Classification Real 748 5 2008
UJI Pen Characters (Version 2) Multivariate, Sequential Classification Integer 11640 NA 2009
Semeion Handwritten Digit Multivariate Classification Integer 1593 256 2008
SECOM Multivariate Classification, Causal-Discovery Real 1567 591 2008
Plants Multivariate Clustering Categorical 22632 70 2008
Libras Movement Multivariate, Sequential Classification, Clustering Real 360 91 2009
Concrete Slump Test Multivariate Regression Real 103 10 2009
Communities and Crime Multivariate Regression Real 1994 128 2009
Acute Inflammations Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer 120 6 2009
Wine Quality Multivariate Classification, Regression Real 4898 12 2009
URL Reputation Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Integer, Real 2396130 3231961 2009
p53 Mutants Multivariate Classification Real 16772 5409 2010
Parkinsons Telemonitoring Multivariate Regression Integer, Real 5875 26 2009
Demospongiae Multivariate Classification Integer 503 NA 2010
Opinosis Opinion / Review Text NA NA 51 NA 2010
Breast Tissue Multivariate Classification Real 106 10 2010
Cardiotocography Multivariate Classification Real 2126 23 2010
Wall-Following Robot Navigation Data Multivariate, Sequential Classification Real 5456 24 2010
Spoken Arabic Digit Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 8800 13 2010
Localization Data for Person Activity Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification Real 164860 8 2010
AutoUniv Multivariate Classification Categorical, Integer, Real NA NA 2010
Steel Plates Faults Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 1941 27 2010
MiniBooNE particle identification Multivariate Classification Real 130065 50 2010
YearPredictionMSD Multivariate Regression Real 515345 90 2011
PEMS-SF Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 440 138672 2011
OpinRank Review Dataset Text NA NA NA NA 2011
Relative location of CT slices on axial axis Domain-Theory Regression Real 53500 386 2011
Online Handwritten Assamese Characters Dataset Multivariate, Sequential Classification Integer 8235 NA 2011
PubChem Bioassay Data Multivariate Classification Integer, Real NA NA 2011
Record Linkage Comparison Patterns Multivariate Classification Real 5749132 12 2011
Communities and Crime Unnormalized Multivariate Regression Real 2215 147 2011
Vertebral Column Multivariate Classification Real 310 6 2011
EMG Physical Action Data Set Time-Series Classification Real 10000 8 2011
Vicon Physical Action Data Set Time-Series Classification Real 3000 27 2011
Amazon Commerce reviews set Multivariate, Text, Domain-Theory Classification Real 1500 10000 2011
Amazon Access Samples Time-Series, Domain-Theory Regression, Clustering, Causal-Discovery NA 30000 20000 2011
Reuter_50_50 Multivariate, Text, Domain-Theory Classification, Clustering Real 2500 10000 2011
Farm Ads Text Classification NA 4143 54877 2011
DBWorld e-mails Text Classification NA 64 4702 2011
KEGG Metabolic Relation Network (Directed) Multivariate, Univariate, Text Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 53414 24 2011
KEGG Metabolic Reaction Network (Undirected) Multivariate, Univariate, Text Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 65554 29 2011
Bank Marketing Multivariate Classification Real 45211 17 2012
YouTube Comedy Slam Preference Data Text Classification NA 1138562 3 2012
Gas Sensor Array Drift Dataset Multivariate Classification Real 13910 128 2012
ILPD (Indian Liver Patient Dataset) Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 583 10 2012
OPPORTUNITY Activity Recognition Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 2551 242 2012
Nomao Univariate Classification Real 34465 120 2012
SMS Spam Collection Multivariate, Text, Domain-Theory Classification, Clustering Real 5574 NA 2012
Skin Segmentation Univariate Classification Real 245057 4 2012
Planning Relax Univariate Classification Real 182 13 2012
PAMAP2 Physical Activity Monitoring Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 3850505 52 2012
Restaurant & consumer data Multivariate NA NA 138 47 2012
CNAE-9 Multivariate, Text Classification Integer 1080 857 2012
Individual household electric power consumption Multivariate, Time-Series Regression, Clustering Real 2075259 9 2012
seeds Multivariate Classification, Clustering Real 210 7 2012
Northix Multivariate, Univariate, Text Classification Integer, Real 115 200 2012
QtyT40I10D100K Sequential NA Integer 3960456 4 2012
Legal Case Reports Text Classification NA NA NA 2012
Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering NA 10299 561 2012
One-hundred plant species leaves data set NA Classification Real 1600 64 2012
Energy efficiency Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer, Real 768 8 2012
Yacht Hydrodynamics Multivariate Regression Real 308 7 2013
Fertility Multivariate Classification, Regression Real 100 10 2013
Daphnet Freezing of Gait Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 237 9 2013
3D Road Network (North Jutland, Denmark) Sequential, Text Regression, Clustering Real 434874 4 2013
ISTANBUL STOCK EXCHANGE Multivariate, Univariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 536 8 2013
Buzz in social media Time-Series, Multivariate Regression, Classification Integer, Real 140000 77 2013
First-order theorem proving Multivariate Classification Real 6118 51 2013
Wearable Computing: Classification of Body Postures and Movements (PUC-Rio) Sequential Classification Integer, Real 165632 18 2013
Gas sensor arrays in open sampling settings Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 18000 1950000 2013
Climate Model Simulation Crashes Multivariate Classification Real 540 18 2013
MicroMass Multivariate Classification Real 931 1300 2013
QSAR biodegradation Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 1055 41 2013
BLOGGER Multivariate Classification NA 100 6 2013
Daily and Sports Activities Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real 9120 5625 2013
User Knowledge Modeling Multivariate Classification, Clustering Integer 403 5 2013
Reuters RCV1 RCV2 Multilingual, Multiview Text Categorization Test collection Multivariate Classification Real 111740 NA 2013
NYSK Multivariate, Sequential, Text Clustering NA 10421 7 2013
Turkiye Student Evaluation Multivariate Classification, Clustering NA 5820 33 2013
ser Knowledge Modeling Data (Students’ Knowledge Levels on DC Electrical Machines) Multivariate Classification Real 403 5 2013
EEG Eye State Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification Integer, Real 14980 15 2013
Physicochemical Properties of Protein Tertiary Structure Multivariate Regression Real 45730 9 2013
seismic-bumps Multivariate Classification Real 2584 19 2013
banknote authentication Multivariate Classification Real 1372 5 2013
USPTO Algorithm Challenge, run by NASA-Harvard Tournament Lab and TopCoder Problem: Pat Domain-Theory Classification Integer 306 5 2013
YouTube Multiview Video Games Dataset Multivariate, Text Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 120000 1000000 2013
Gas Sensor Array Drift Dataset at Different Concentrations Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression, Clustering, Causa Real 13910 129 2013
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Recognition Using Binary Sensors Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Clustering NA 2747 NA 2013
SkillCraft1 Master Table Dataset Multivariate Regression Integer, Real 3395 20 2013
Weight Lifting Exercises monitored with Inertial Measurement Units Multivariate Classification Real 39242 152 2013
SML2010 Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series, Text Regression Real 4137 24 2014
Bike Sharing Dataset Univariate Regression Integer, Real 17389 16 2013
Predict keywords activities in a online social media Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series NA Integer, Real 51 35 2013
Thoracic Surgery Data Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 470 17 2013
EMG dataset in Lower Limb Multivariate, Time-Series NA Real 132 5 2014
SUSY NA Classification Real 5000000 18 2014
HIGGS NA Classification Real 11000000 28 2014
Qualitative_Bankruptcy Multivariate Classification NA 250 7 2014
LSVT Voice Rehabilitation Multivariate Classification Real 126 309 2014
Dataset for ADL Recognition with Wrist-worn Accelerometer Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering NA NA 3 2014
Wilt Multivariate Classification NA 4889 6 2014
User Identification From Walking Activity Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real NA NA 2014
Activity Recognition from Single Chest-Mounted Accelerometer Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real NA NA 2014
Leaf Multivariate Classification Real 340 16 2014
Dresses_Attribute_Sales Text Classification, Clustering NA 501 13 2014
Tamilnadu Electricity Board Hourly Readings Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Real 45781 5 2013
Airfoil Self-Noise Multivariate Regression Real 1503 6 2014
Wholesale customers Multivariate Classification, Clustering Integer 440 8 2014
Twitter Data set for Arabic Sentiment Analysis Text Classification NA 2000 2 2014
Combined Cycle Power Plant Multivariate Regression Real 9568 4 2014
Urban Land Cover Multivariate Classification NA 168 148 2014
Diabetes 130-US hospitals for years 1999-2008 Multivariate Classification, Clustering Integer 100000 55 2014
Bach Choral Harmony Sequential Classification NA 5665 17 2014
StoneFlakes Multivariate Classification, Clustering, Causal-Discovery Real 79 8 2014
Tennis Major Tournament Match Statistics Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 127 42 2014
Parkinson Speech Dataset with Multiple Types of Sound Recordings Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer, Real 1040 26 2014
Gesture Phase Segmentation Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real 9900 50 2014
Perfume Data Univariate, Domain-Theory Classification, Clustering Integer 560 2 2014
BlogFeedback Multivariate Regression Integer, Real 60021 281 2014
REALDISP Activity Recognition Dataset Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 1419 120 2014
Newspaper and magazine images segmentation dataset NA Classification NA 101 NA 2014
AAAI 2014 Accepted Papers Multivariate Clustering NA 399 6 2014
Gas sensor array under flow modulation Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 58 120432 2014
Gas sensor array exposed to turbulent gas mixtures Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 180 150000 2014
UJIIndoorLoc Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer, Real 21048 529 2014
Sentence Classification Text Classification Integer NA NA 2014
Dow Jones Index Time-Series Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 750 16 2014
sEMG for Basic Hand movements Time-Series Classification Real 3000 2500 2014
AAAI 2013 Accepted Papers Multivariate Clustering NA 150 5 2014
Geographical Original of Music Multivariate Classification, Regression Real 1059 68 2014
Condition Based Maintenance of Naval Propulsion Plants Multivariate Regression Real 11934 16 2014
Grammatical Facial Expressions Multivariate, Sequential Classification, Clustering Real 27965 100 2014
NoisyOffice Multivariate Classification, Regression Real 216 216 2015
MHEALTH Dataset Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 120 23 2014
Student Performance Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer 649 33 2014
ElectricityLoadDiagrams20112014 Time-Series Regression, Clustering Real 370 140256 2015
Gas sensor array under dynamic gas mixtures Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 4178504 19 2015
microblogPCU Multivariate, Univariate, Sequential, Text Classification, Causal-Discovery Integer, Real 221579 20 2015
Firm-Teacher_Clave-Direction_Classification Multivariate Classification NA 10800 20 2015
Dataset for Sensorless Drive Diagnosis Multivariate Classification Real 58509 49 2015
TV News Channel Commercial Detection Dataset Multivariate Classification, Clustering Real 129685 12 2015
Phishing Websites NA Classification Integer 2456 30 2015
Greenhouse Gas Observing Network Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Real 2921 5232 2015
Diabetic Retinopathy Debrecen Data Set Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 1151 20 2014
HIV-1 protease cleavage Multivariate Classification Categorical 6590 1 2015
Sentiment Labelled Sentences Text Classification NA 3000 NA 2015
Online News Popularity Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer, Real 39797 61 2015
Forest type mapping Multivariate Classification NA 326 27 2015
wiki4HE Multivariate Regression, Clustering, Causal-Discovery NA 913 53 2015
Online Video Characteristics and Transcoding Time Dataset Multivariate Regression Integer, Real 168286 11 2015
Chronic_Kidney_Disease Multivariate Classification Real 400 25 2015
Machine Learning based ZZAlpha Ltd. Stock Recommendations 2012-2014 Sequential, Time-Series Classification Real 314080 0 2015
Folio Multivariate Classification, Clustering NA 637 20 2015
Taxi Service Trajectory - Prediction Challenge, ECML PKDD 2015 Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series, Domain-Theory Clustering, Causal-Discovery Real 1710671 9 2015
Cuff-Less Blood Pressure Estimation Multivariate Classification, Regression Real 12000 3 2015
Smartphone-Based Recognition of Human Activities and Postural Transitions Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 10929 561 2015
Mice Protein Expression Multivariate Classification, Clustering Real 1080 82 2015
UJIIndoorLoc-Mag Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 40000 13 2015
Heterogeneity Activity Recognition Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real 43930257 16 2015
Educational Process Mining (EPM): A Learning Analytics Data Set Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer 230318 13 2015
HEPMASS Multivariate Classification Real 10500000 28 2016
Indoor User Movement Prediction from RSS data Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification Real 13197 4 2016
Open University Learning Analytics dataset Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer NA NA 2015
default of credit card clients Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 30000 24 2016
Mesotheliomaâ<U+0080><U+0099>s disease data set Multivariate Classification Real 324 34 2016
Online Retail Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 541909 8 2015
SIFT10M Multivariate Causal-Discovery Integer 11164866 128 2016
GPS Trajectories Multivariate Classification, Regression Real 163 15 2016
Detect Malacious Executable(AntiVirus) Multivariate Classification Real 373 513 2016
Occupancy Detection Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 20560 7 2016
Improved Spiral Test Using Digitized Graphics Tablet for Monitoring Parkinsonâ<U+0080><U+0099>s Disease Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Real 40 7 2016
News Aggregator Multivariate Classification, Clustering NA 422937 5 2016
Air Quality Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Real 9358 15 2016
Twin gas sensor arrays Multivariate, Time-Series, Domain-Theory Classification, Regression Real 640 480000 2016
Gas sensors for home activity monitoring Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 919438 11 2016
Facebook Comment Volume Dataset Multivariate Regression Integer, Real 40949 54 2016
Smartphone Dataset for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Time-Series Classification Real 5744 561 2016
Polish companies bankruptcy data Multivariate Classification Real 10503 64 2016
Activity Recognition system based on Multisensor data fusion (AReM) Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification Real 42240 6 2016
Dota2 Games Results Multivariate Classification NA 102944 116 2016
Facebook metrics Multivariate Regression Integer 500 19 2016
UbiqLog (smartphone lifelogging) Multivariate Causal-Discovery NA 9782222 NA 2016
NIPS Conference Papers 1987-2015 Text Clustering Integer 11463 5812 2016
HTRU2 Multivariate Classification, Clustering Real 17898 9 2017
Drug consumption (quantified) Multivariate Classification Real 1885 32 2016
Appliances energy prediction Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Real 19735 29 2017
Miskolc IIS Hybrid IPS Text Classification, Clustering, Causal-Discovery Integer 1540 67 2016
KDC-4007 dataset Collection Multivariate, Text Classification, Regression Integer 4007 NA 2017
Geo-Magnetic field and WLAN dataset for indoor localisation from wristband and smartphone Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 153540 25 2017
DrivFace Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Real 606 6400 2016
Website Phishing Multivariate Classification Integer 1353 10 2016
YouTube Spam Collection Text Classification NA 1956 5 2017
Beijing PM2.5 Data Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Integer, Real 43824 13 2017
Cargo 2000 Freight Tracking and Tracing Multivariate, Sequential Classification, Regression Integer 3942 98 2016
Cervical cancer (Risk Factors) Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 858 36 2017
Quality Assessment of Digital Colposcopies Multivariate Classification Real 287 69 2017
KASANDR Multivariate Causal-Discovery Integer 17764280 2158859 2017
FMA: A Dataset For Music Analysis Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real 106574 518 2017
Air quality Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Real 9358 15 2016
Epileptic Seizure Recognition Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 11500 179 2017
Devanagari Handwritten Character Dataset NA Classification Integer 92000 NA 2016
Stock portfolio performance Multivariate Regression Real 315 12 2016
MoCap Hand Postures Multivariate Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 78095 38 2016
Early biomarkers of Parkinson<U+0092>s disease based on natural connected speech Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer, Real 130 65 2017
Data for Software Engineering Teamwork Assessment in Education Setting Sequential, Time-Series Classification Integer, Real 74 102 2017
PM2.5 Data of Five Chinese Cities Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Integer, Real 52854 86 2017
Parkinson Disease Spiral Drawings Using Digitized Graphics Tablet Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer 77 7 2017
Sales_Transactions_Dataset_Weekly Multivariate, Time-Series Clustering Integer, Real 811 53 2017
Las Vegas Strip NA Classification, Regression Integer 504 20 2017
Eco-hotel Text NA NA 401 1 2017
MEU-Mobile KSD Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 2856 71 2016
Crowdsourced Mapping Multivariate Classification NA 10546 29 2016
gene expression cancer RNA-Seq Multivariate Classification, Clustering Real 801 20531 2016
Hybrid Indoor Positioning Dataset from WiFi RSSI, Bluetooth and magnetometer Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification Real 1540 65 2016
chestnut â<U+0080><U+0093> LARVIC NA Classification, Clustering NA 1451 3 2017
Burst Header Packet (BHP) flooding attack on Optical Burst Switching (OBS) Network Text Classification Integer 1075 22 2017
Motion Capture Hand Postures Multivariate Classification, Clustering Real 78095 38 2017
Anuran Calls (MFCCs) Multivariate Classification, Clustering Real 7195 22 2017
TTC-3600: Benchmark dataset for Turkish text categorization Text Classification, Clustering Integer 3600 4814 2017
Gastrointestinal Lesions in Regular Colonoscopy Multivariate Classification Real 76 698 2016
Daily Demand Forecasting Orders Time-Series Regression Integer 60 13 2017
Paper Reviews Text Classification, Regression Integer 405 10 2017
extention of Z-Alizadeh sani dataset NA Classification Integer, Real 303 59 2017
Z-Alizadeh Sani NA Classification Integer, Real 303 56 2017
Dynamic Features of VirusShare Executables Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Integer 107888 482 2017
IDA2016Challenge Multivariate Classification Integer 76000 171 2017
DSRC Vehicle Communications Sequential, Text Clustering Real 10000 5 2017
Mturk User-Perceived Clusters over Images Multivariate, Text Clustering Integer 180 500 2016
Character Font Images Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 745000 411 2016
DeliciousMIL: A Data Set for Multi-Label Multi-Instance Learning with Instance Labels Text Classification Integer 12234 8519 2016
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Screening Data for Children Multivariate Classification Integer 292 21 2017
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Screening Data for Adolescent Multivariate Classification Integer 104 21 2017
APS Failure at Scania Trucks Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 60000 171 2017
Wireless Indoor Localization Multivariate Classification Real 2000 7 2017
HCC Survival Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 165 49 2017
CSM (Conventional and Social Media Movies) Dataset 2014 and 2015 Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer 217 12 2017
University of Tehran Question Dataset 2016 (UTQD.2016) Text Classification NA 1175 3 2017
Autism Screening Adult NA Classification Integer 704 21 2017
Activity recognition with healthy older people using a batteryless wearable sensor Sequential Classification Real 75128 9 2016
Immunotherapy Dataset Univariate Classification Integer, Real 90 8 2018
Cryotherapy Dataset Univariate Classification Integer, Real 90 7 2018
OCT data & Color Fundus Images of Left & Right Eyes Multivariate Classification Real 50 2 2016
Discrete Tone Image Dataset Multivariate Classification NA 71 11 2018
News Popularity in Multiple Social Media Platforms Multivariate, Time-Series, Text Regression Integer, Real 93239 11 2018
Ultrasonic flowmeter diagnostics Multivariate Classification Real 540 173 2018
ICMLA 2014 Accepted Papers Data Set Multivariate Classification, Clustering NA 105 5 2018
BLE RSSI Dataset for Indoor localization and Navigation Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Integer 6611 15 2018
Container Crane Controller Data Set Univariate, Domain-Theory Classification, Regression Real 15 3 2018
Residential Building Data Set Multivariate Regression Real 372 105 2018
Health News in Twitter Text Clustering Real 58000 25000 2018
chipseq Sequential Classification Integer 4960 NA 2018
SGEMM GPU kernel performance Multivariate Regression Integer 241600 18 2018
Repeat Consumption Matrices Multivariate Clustering Real 130000 21000 2018
detection_of_IoT_botnet_attacks_N_BaIoT Multivariate, Sequential Classification, Clustering Real 7062606 115 2018
Absenteeism at work Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 740 21 2018
SCADI Multivariate Classification, Clustering NA 70 206 2018
Condition monitoring of hydraulic systems Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 2205 43680 2018
Carbon Nanotubes Univariate Regression Real 10721 8 2018
Optical Interconnection Network Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer, Real 640 10 2018
Sports articles for objectivity analysis Multivariate, Text Classification Integer 1000 59 2018
Breast Cancer Coimbra Multivariate Classification Integer 116 10 2018
GNFUV Unmanned Surface Vehicles Sensor Data Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Real 1672 5 2018
Dishonest Internet users Dataset Multivariate Classification, Clustering NA 322 5 2018
Victorian Era Authorship Attribution Text Classification NA 93600 1000 2018
Simulated Falls and Daily Living Activities Data Set Time-Series Classification Integer 3060 138 2018
Multimodal Damage Identification for Humanitarian Computing Multivariate, Text Classification Integer 5879 NA 2018
EEG Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Signals Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Integer 9200 16 2018
Roman Urdu Data Set Text Classification NA 20000 2 2018
Avila Multivariate Classification Real 20867 10 2018
PANDOR Multivariate Recommendation Categorical NA NA 2018
Drug Review Dataset ( Multivariate, Text Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer 4143 8 2018
Drug Review Dataset ( Multivariate, Text Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer 215063 6 2018
Physical Unclonable Functions Multivariate Classification Integer 6000000 129 2018
Superconductivty Data Multivariate Regression Real 21263 81 2018
WESAD (Wearable Stress and Affect Detection) Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 63000000 12 2018
GNFUV Unmanned Surface Vehicles Sensor Data Set 2 Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Regression Real 10190 6 2018
Student Academics Performance Multivariate Classification NA 300 22 2018
Online Shoppers Purchasing Intention Dataset Multivariate Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 12330 18 2018
PMU-UD Univariate Classification NA 5180 9 2018
Parkinson’s Disease Classification Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 756 754 2018
Electrical Grid Stability Simulated Data Multivariate Classification, Regression Real 10000 14 2018
Caesarian Section Classification Dataset Univariate Classification Integer 80 5 2018
BAUM-1 Time-Series Classification NA 1184 NA 2018
BAUM-2 Time-Series Classification NA 1047 NA 2018
Audit Data Multivariate Classification Real 777 18 2018
BuddyMove Data Set Multivariate, Text Classification, Clustering Real 249 7 2018
Real estate valuation data set Multivariate Regression Integer, Real 414 7 2018
Early biomarkers of Parkinsonâ<U+0080><U+0099>s disease based on natural connected speech Data Set Multivariate Classification Real NA NA 2018
Somerville Happiness Survey NA Classification Integer 143 7 2018
2.4 GHZ Indoor Channel Measurements Multivariate Classification Real 7840 5 2018
EMG data for gestures Time-Series Classification Real 30000 6 2019
Parking Birmingham Multivariate, Univariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Regression, Clustering Real 35717 4 2019
Behavior of the urban traffic of the city of Sao Paulo in Brazil Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Integer, Real 135 18 2018
Travel Reviews Multivariate, Text Classification, Clustering Real 980 11 2018
Tarvel Review Ratings Multivariate, Text Classification, Clustering Real 5456 25 2018
Rice Leaf Diseases Multivariate Classification Integer 120 NA 2019
Gas sensor array temperature modulation Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 4095000 20 2019
Facebook Live Sellers in Thailand Multivariate Clustering Integer 7051 12 2019
Parkinson Dataset with replicated acoustic features Multivariate Classification NA 240 46 2019
Metro Interstate Traffic Volume Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Regression Integer, Real 48204 9 2019
Query Analytics Workloads Dataset Multivariate Regression, Clustering Real 260000 8 2019
Wave Energy Converters Multivariate Regression Real 288000 49 2019
PPG-DaLiA Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Real 8300000 11 2019
Alcohol QCM Sensor Dataset Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Real 125 8 2019
Divorce Predictors data set Multivariate, Univariate Classification Integer 170 54 2019
Incident management process enriched event log Multivariate, Sequential Regression, Clustering Integer 141712 36 2019
Opinion Corpus for Lebanese Arabic Reviews (OCLAR) Text Classification Integer 3916 3916 2019
MEx Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real 6262 710 2019
Beijing Multi-Site Air-Quality Data Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Integer, Real 420768 18 2019
Online Retail II Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series, Text Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 1067371 8 2019
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) for Egyptian patients Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 1385 29 2019
QSAR fish toxicity Multivariate Regression Real 908 7 2019
QSAR aquatic toxicity Multivariate Regression Real 546 9 2019
Human Activity Recognition from Continuous Ambient Sensor Data Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification Integer, Real 13956534 37 2019
WISDM Smartphone and Smartwatch Activity and Biometrics Dataset Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 15630426 6 2019
QSAR oral toxicity Multivariate Classification NA 8992 1024 2019
QSAR androgen receptor Multivariate Classification NA 1687 1024 2019
QSAR Bioconcentration classes dataset Multivariate Classification, Regression NA 779 14 2019
QSAR fish bioconcentration factor (BCF) Multivariate Regression Integer, Real 1056 7 2019
A study of Asian Religious and Biblical Texts Multivariate, Text Classification, Clustering Integer 590 8265 2019
Real-time Election Results: Portugal 2019 Multivariate, Time-Series, Text Regression Integer, Real 21643 29 2019
Bias correction of numerical prediction model temperature forecast Multivariate Regression Real 7750 25 2020
Bar Crawl: Detecting Heavy Drinking Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 14057567 3 2020
Kitsune Network Attack Dataset Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Clustering, Causal-Discovery Real 27170754 115 2019
Shoulder Implant X-Ray Manufacturer Classification Multivariate Classification Real 597 1 2020
Speaker Accent Recognition Multivariate Classification Real 329 12 2020
Heart failure clinical records Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 299 13 2020
Deepfakes: Medical Image Tamper Detection Multivariate Classification Real 20000 200000 2020
selfBACK Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real 26136 6 2020
South German Credit Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 1000 21 2019
Exasens Multivariate Classification, Clustering Integer 399 4 2020
Swarm Behaviour Multivariate Classification Real 24017 2400 2020
Crop mapping using fused optical-radar data set Multivariate, Time-Series Classification Real 325834 175 2020
BitcoinHeistRansomwareAddressDataset Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 2916697 10 2020
Facebook Large Page-Page Network Multivariate Classification NA 22470 4714 2020
Amphibians Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 189 23 2020
Early stage diabetes risk prediction dataset. Multivariate Classification NA 520 17 2020
Turkish Spam V01 Text Classification NA 826 2 2019
Stock keeping units Multivariate Clustering Integer, Real 2279 9 2019
Demand Forecasting for a store Multivariate Regression Integer 28764 8 2019
Detect Malware Types Multivariate, Time-Series, Text Classification NA 7107 280 2019
Wave Energy Converters Multivariate Regression Real 288000 49 2019
Youtube cookery channels viewers comments in Hinglish Multivariate, Text Classification NA 9800 3 2019
Pedestrian in Traffic Dataset Multivariate, Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Regression, Causal-Discovery Real 4760 14 2019
Cervical Cancer Behavior Risk Multivariate, Univariate Classification, Clustering Integer 72 19 2019
Sattriya_Dance_Single_Hand_Gestures Dataset Multivariate Classification NA 1450 NA 2019
Divorce Predictors data set Multivariate, Univariate Classification Integer 170 54 2019
3W dataset Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 1984 8 2019
Malware static and dynamic features VxHeaven and Virus Total Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 2955 1087 2019
Internet Firewall Data Multivariate Classification NA 65532 12 2019
User Profiling and Abusive Language Detection Dataset NA Classification NA 65919 3 2019
Estimation of obesity levels based on eating habits and physical condition Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer 2111 17 2019
Rice (Cammeo and Osmancik) Multivariate Classification Real 3810 8 2019
Vehicle routing and scheduling problems Multivariate Clustering Integer, Real 18 9 2019
Algerian Forest Fires Dataset Multivariate Classification, Regression Real 244 12 2019
Breath Metabolomics Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Clustering Real 104 1656 2019
Horton General Hospital Multivariate, Time-Series Causal-Discovery Integer 139 6 2019
UrbanGB, urban road accidents coordinates labelled by the urban center Univariate Clustering Real 360177 2 2019
Gas Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data Set Multivariate Regression, Clustering Real 36733 11 2019
Activity recognition using wearable physiological measurements Multivariate Classification Real 4480 533 2019
clickstream data for online shopping Multivariate, Sequential Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 165474 14 2019
CNNpred: CNN-based stock market prediction using a diverse set of variables Sequential, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 1985 84 2019
Apartment for rent classified Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering NA 10000 22 2019
: Simulated Data set of Iraqi tourism places Multivariate Classification, Clustering NA 232 16 2020
Nasarian CAD Dataset Multivariate Classification NA 150 52 2020
Monolithic Columns in Troad and Mysia Region Multivariate Classification Real 11 19 2020
Bar Crawl: Detecting Heavy Drinking Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Real 14057567 3 2020
Seoul Bike Sharing Demand Multivariate Regression Integer, Real 8760 14 2020
Person Classification Gait Data Multivariate Classification Real 48 321 2020
Shill Bidding Dataset Multivariate Classification, Clustering NA 6321 13 2020
Iranian Churn Dataset Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer 3150 13 2020
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Intrusion Detection Multivariate Classification Real 17256 55 2020
Bone marrow transplant: children Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer, Real 187 39 2020
Exasens Multivariate Classification, Clustering Integer 399 4 2020
COVID-19 Surveillance Multivariate Classification NA 14 7 2020
Refractive errors Multivariate Classification Integer 467 79 2020
Shoulder Implant X-Ray Manufacturer Classification Multivariate Classification Real 597 1 2020
CLINC150 Text Classification NA 23700 NA 2020
HCV data Multivariate Classification, Clustering Integer, Real 615 14 2020
Taiwanese Bankruptcy Prediction Multivariate Classification Integer 6819 96 2020
South German Credit (UPDATE) Multivariate Classification, Regression, Clustering Integer, Real 1000 21 2020
IIWA14-R820-Gazebo-Dataset-10Trajectories NA Regression Integer NA NA 2020
Guitar Chords finger positions Text Classification NA 2633 5 2020
Russian Corpus of Biographical Texts Text Classification NA 200 2 2020
Codon usage Multivariate Classification, Clustering NA 13028 69 2020
Intelligent Media Accelerometer and Gyroscope (IM-AccGyro) Dataset Time-Series Classification Real 800 9 2020
Myocardial infarction complications Multivariate Classification Real 1700 124 2020
Hungarian Chickenpox Cases Time-Series Regression Real 521 20 2021
Simulated data for survival modelling Multivariate, Time-Series Regression Integer, Real 120000 25 2018
Student Performance on an entrance examination Multivariate Classification NA 666 11 2018
Chemical Composition of Ceramic Samples Multivariate Classification, Clustering Real 88 19 2019
Labeled Text Forum Threads Dataset Text Classification Integer 200 9 2019
Stock keeping units Multivariate Clustering Integer, Real 2279 9 2019
BLE RSSI dataset for Indoor localization Sequential, Time-Series Classification Integer 23570 5 2019
Basketball dataset Time-Series Classification Integer 10000 7 2019
GitHub MUSAE Multivariate Classification NA 37700 4006 2019
Anticancer peptides Sequential Classification NA 1850 2 2019
Monolithic Columns in Troad and Mysia Region Multivariate Classification Real 11 19 2020
Gender by Name Text Classification, Clustering NA 147270 4 2020
Iranian Churn Dataset Multivariate Classification, Regression Integer 3150 13 2020
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Intrusion Detection Multivariate Classification Real 17256 55 2020
Shoulder Implant Manufacture Classification Multivariate Classification NA 597 1 2020
LastFM Asia Social Network Multivariate Classification NA 7624 7842 2020
Wheat kernels Multivariate Classification Real 314 15 2020
Productivity Prediction of Garment Employees Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression Integer, Real 1197 15 2020
Multi-view Brain Networks Multivariate Classification, Clustering Integer 70 70 2020
LastFM Asia Social Network Multivariate Classification NA 7624 7842 2020
Wisesight Sentiment Corpus Multivariate, Text Classification NA 26737 4 2020
AI4I 2020 Predictive Maintenance Dataset Multivariate, Time-Series Classification, Regression, Causal-Discovery Real 10000 14 2020
Dry Bean Dataset Multivariate Classification Integer, Real 13611 17 2020
in-vehicle coupon recommendation Multivariate Classification NA 12684 23 2020
Gait Classification Multivariate Classification Real 48 321 2020
Wikipedia Math Essentials Time-Series Regression Real 731 1068 2021
Wikipedia Math Essentials Time-Series Regression Real 731 1068 2021
Synchronous Machine Data Set Multivariate Regression Real 557 5 2021

  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%",height="300px")
mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration model_year origin car_name
18 8 307.0 130 3504 12.0 70 1 chevrolet chevelle malibu
15 8 350.0 165 3693 11.5 70 1 buick skylark 320
18 8 318.0 150 3436 11.0 70 1 plymouth satellite
16 8 304.0 150 3433 12.0 70 1 amc rebel sst
17 8 302.0 140 3449 10.5 70 1 ford torino
15 8 429.0 198 4341 10.0 70 1 ford galaxie 500
14 8 454.0 220 4354 9.0 70 1 chevrolet impala
14 8 440.0 215 4312 8.5 70 1 plymouth fury iii
14 8 455.0 225 4425 10.0 70 1 pontiac catalina
15 8 390.0 190 3850 8.5 70 1 amc ambassador dpl
15 8 383.0 170 3563 10.0 70 1 dodge challenger se
14 8 340.0 160 3609 8.0 70 1 plymouth ’cuda 340
15 8 400.0 150 3761 9.5 70 1 chevrolet monte carlo
14 8 455.0 225 3086 10.0 70 1 buick estate wagon (sw)
24 4 113.0 95 2372 15.0 70 3 toyota corona mark ii
22 6 198.0 95 2833 15.5 70 1 plymouth duster
18 6 199.0 97 2774 15.5 70 1 amc hornet
21 6 200.0 85 2587 16.0 70 1 ford maverick
27 4 97.0 88 2130 14.5 70 3 datsun pl510
26 4 97.0 46 1835 20.5 70 2 volkswagen 1131 deluxe sedan
25 4 110.0 87 2672 17.5 70 2 peugeot 504
24 4 107.0 90 2430 14.5 70 2 audi 100 ls
25 4 104.0 95 2375 17.5 70 2 saab 99e
26 4 121.0 113 2234 12.5 70 2 bmw 2002
21 6 199.0 90 2648 15.0 70 1 amc gremlin
10 8 360.0 215 4615 14.0 70 1 ford f250
10 8 307.0 200 4376 15.0 70 1 chevy c20
11 8 318.0 210 4382 13.5 70 1 dodge d200
9 8 304.0 193 4732 18.5 70 1 hi 1200d
27 4 97.0 88 2130 14.5 71 3 datsun pl510
28 4 140.0 90 2264 15.5 71 1 chevrolet vega 2300
25 4 113.0 95 2228 14.0 71 3 toyota corona
25 4 98.0 NA 2046 19.0 71 1 ford pinto
19 6 232.0 100 2634 13.0 71 1 amc gremlin
16 6 225.0 105 3439 15.5 71 1 plymouth satellite custom
17 6 250.0 100 3329 15.5 71 1 chevrolet chevelle malibu
19 6 250.0 88 3302 15.5 71 1 ford torino 500
18 6 232.0 100 3288 15.5 71 1 amc matador
14 8 350.0 165 4209 12.0 71 1 chevrolet impala
14 8 400.0 175 4464 11.5 71 1 pontiac catalina brougham
14 8 351.0 153 4154 13.5 71 1 ford galaxie 500
14 8 318.0 150 4096 13.0 71 1 plymouth fury iii
12 8 383.0 180 4955 11.5 71 1 dodge monaco (sw)
13 8 400.0 170 4746 12.0 71 1 ford country squire (sw)
13 8 400.0 175 5140 12.0 71 1 pontiac safari (sw)
18 6 258.0 110 2962 13.5 71 1 amc hornet sportabout (sw)
22 4 140.0 72 2408 19.0 71 1 chevrolet vega (sw)
19 6 250.0 100 3282 15.0 71 1 pontiac firebird
18 6 250.0 88 3139 14.5 71 1 ford mustang
23 4 122.0 86 2220 14.0 71 1 mercury capri 2000
28 4 116.0 90 2123 14.0 71 2 opel 1900
30 4 79.0 70 2074 19.5 71 2 peugeot 304
30 4 88.0 76 2065 14.5 71 2 fiat 124b
31 4 71.0 65 1773 19.0 71 3 toyota corolla 1200
35 4 72.0 69 1613 18.0 71 3 datsun 1200
27 4 97.0 60 1834 19.0 71 2 volkswagen model 111
26 4 91.0 70 1955 20.5 71 1 plymouth cricket
24 4 113.0 95 2278 15.5 72 3 toyota corona hardtop
25 4 97.5 80 2126 17.0 72 1 dodge colt hardtop
23 4 97.0 54 2254 23.5 72 2 volkswagen type 3
20 4 140.0 90 2408 19.5 72 1 chevrolet vega
21 4 122.0 86 2226 16.5 72 1 ford pinto runabout
13 8 350.0 165 4274 12.0 72 1 chevrolet impala
14 8 400.0 175 4385 12.0 72 1 pontiac catalina
15 8 318.0 150 4135 13.5 72 1 plymouth fury iii
14 8 351.0 153 4129 13.0 72 1 ford galaxie 500
17 8 304.0 150 3672 11.5 72 1 amc ambassador sst
11 8 429.0 208 4633 11.0 72 1 mercury marquis
13 8 350.0 155 4502 13.5 72 1 buick lesabre custom
12 8 350.0 160 4456 13.5 72 1 oldsmobile delta 88 royale
13 8 400.0 190 4422 12.5 72 1 chrysler newport royal
19 3 70.0 97 2330 13.5 72 3 mazda rx2 coupe
15 8 304.0 150 3892 12.5 72 1 amc matador (sw)
13 8 307.0 130 4098 14.0 72 1 chevrolet chevelle concours (sw)
13 8 302.0 140 4294 16.0 72 1 ford gran torino (sw)
14 8 318.0 150 4077 14.0 72 1 plymouth satellite custom (sw)
18 4 121.0 112 2933 14.5 72 2 volvo 145e (sw)
22 4 121.0 76 2511 18.0 72 2 volkswagen 411 (sw)
21 4 120.0 87 2979 19.5 72 2 peugeot 504 (sw)
26 4 96.0 69 2189 18.0 72 2 renault 12 (sw)
22 4 122.0 86 2395 16.0 72 1 ford pinto (sw)
28 4 97.0 92 2288 17.0 72 3 datsun 510 (sw)
23 4 120.0 97 2506 14.5 72 3 toyouta corona mark ii (sw)
28 4 98.0 80 2164 15.0 72 1 dodge colt (sw)
27 4 97.0 88 2100 16.5 72 3 toyota corolla 1600 (sw)
13 8 350.0 175 4100 13.0 73 1 buick century 350
14 8 304.0 150 3672 11.5 73 1 amc matador
13 8 350.0 145 3988 13.0 73 1 chevrolet malibu
14 8 302.0 137 4042 14.5 73 1 ford gran torino
15 8 318.0 150 3777 12.5 73 1 dodge coronet custom
12 8 429.0 198 4952 11.5 73 1 mercury marquis brougham
13 8 400.0 150 4464 12.0 73 1 chevrolet caprice classic
13 8 351.0 158 4363 13.0 73 1 ford ltd
14 8 318.0 150 4237 14.5 73 1 plymouth fury gran sedan
13 8 440.0 215 4735 11.0 73 1 chrysler new yorker brougham
12 8 455.0 225 4951 11.0 73 1 buick electra 225 custom
13 8 360.0 175 3821 11.0 73 1 amc ambassador brougham
18 6 225.0 105 3121 16.5 73 1 plymouth valiant
16 6 250.0 100 3278 18.0 73 1 chevrolet nova custom
18 6 232.0 100 2945 16.0 73 1 amc hornet

The model


#lets split the data 60/40
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(auto_mpg$mpg, p = .6, list = FALSE, times = 1)

#grab the data
mpgTrain <- auto_mpg[ trainIndex,]
mpgTest  <- auto_mpg[-trainIndex,]

mpggbm<- train(
  form = mpg ~ cylinders+displacement+horsepower+weight+acceleration+factor(model_year)+factor(origin),
  data = mpgTrain,
  #here we add classProbs because we want probs
  trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10),
  method = "gbm",
  tuneLength = 10,

n.trees interaction.depth shrinkage n.minobsinnode
6 300 1 0.1 10

                                      var     rel.inf
displacement                 displacement 26.94621833
weight                             weight 23.17435112
horsepower                     horsepower 19.63108746
cylinders                       cylinders  7.06435813
factor(model_year)82 factor(model_year)82  5.46316709
factor(model_year)80 factor(model_year)80  4.57983291
acceleration                 acceleration  4.26451329
factor(model_year)81 factor(model_year)81  2.30193941
factor(model_year)73 factor(model_year)73  2.14169961
factor(model_year)79 factor(model_year)79  1.28966117
factor(model_year)72 factor(model_year)72  1.10759434
factor(origin)3           factor(origin)3  0.80155769
factor(origin)2           factor(origin)2  0.40108307
factor(model_year)78 factor(model_year)78  0.33288986
factor(model_year)74 factor(model_year)74  0.25780334
factor(model_year)76 factor(model_year)76  0.12238033
factor(model_year)71 factor(model_year)71  0.05678884
factor(model_year)77 factor(model_year)77  0.03278255
factor(model_year)75 factor(model_year)75  0.03029146

  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "50%",height="300px")

#root mean squared error
[1] 2.966667
#best measure ever...RSquared 
[1] 0.8578063

Gradient Tree Boosting: Partial Dependence

The feature importance shown earlier provides an indication of the relative importance of the different features, for either classification or regression. An alternate approach to understanding the relationship between features and their importance involves the construction of partial dependence plots. These plots show the dependence between the regression model and a specific set of features, selected from the set of all features used to build the regression model. To calculate this dependence, we marginalize over all of the other features, so that the effect of the target feature (or features) is measured. Generally, this set is restricted to a small number, such as one or two, since it becomes hard to visualize larger relationships.

pdp::partial(mpggbm, pred.var = "cylinders", plot = TRUE, rug = TRUE,
              plot.engine = "ggplot2")
  pdp::partial(mpggbm, pred.var = "cylinders", plot = TRUE, rug = TRUE,
              plot.engine = "ggplot2"),
  pdp::partial(mpggbm, pred.var = "displacement", plot = TRUE, rug = TRUE,
              plot.engine = "ggplot2"),
  ncol = 2 
  pdp::partial(mpggbm, pred.var = c("cylinders","displacement"), plot = TRUE, rug = TRUE,
              plot.engine = "ggplot2")

# Compute partial dependence data for lstat and rm
pd <- pdp::partial(mpggbm, pred.var = c("weight","displacement"))

# Default PDP
# Add contour lines and use a different color palette
rwb <- colorRampPalette(c("darkred", "white", "pink"))
pdp::plotPartial(pd, contour = TRUE, col.regions = rwb)
# 3-D surface
pdp::plotPartial(pd, levelplot = FALSE, zlab = "mpg", colorkey = TRUE, 
                    screen = list(z = -20, x = -60))

###### Interactive 3D partial dependence plot with coloring scale ######

# Interpolate the partial dependence values
dens <- akima::interp(x = pd$weight, y = pd$displacement, z = pd$yhat)

# 3D partial dependence plot with a coloring scale
p3 <- plotly::plot_ly(x = dens$x, 
          y = dens$y, 
          z = dens$z,
          colors = c("blue", "grey", "red"),
          type = "surface")
# Add axis labels for 3D plots

p3 <- p3%>% plotly::layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = 'Weight'),
                     yaxis = list(title = 'Displacement'),
                     zaxis = list(title = 'Predicted Mpg')))
# Show the plot


We now turn our attention to the second boosting algorithm presented in this module, Adaboost, which is short for Adaptive Boosting. Adaboost was an early boosting algorithm that iteratively adjusts the weights on the training data to improve the performance of the ensemble algorithm. The weights are adjusted on each iteration to increase the predictive accuracy on the incorrectly predicted training data.

#lets split the data 60/40
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(iris2$Species, p = .6, list = FALSE, times = 1)

#grab the data
irisTrain <- iris2[ trainIndex,]
irisTest  <- iris2[-trainIndex,]

#added something here
Irisadaboost<- train(
  form = factor(Species) ~ .,
  data = irisTrain,
  #here we add classProbs because we want probs
  trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10,
                           classProbs =  TRUE),
  method = "adaboost",
  tuneLength = 5,
  #add this please

nIter method
50 Adaboost.M1

  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "50%",height="300px")
setosa virginica
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1

                            if_else(virginica>setosa,"virginica", "PROBLEM")))


   setosa virginica 
       20        20 

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  setosa virginica
  setosa        20         0
  virginica      0        20
               Accuracy : 1          
                 95% CI : (0.9119, 1)
    No Information Rate : 0.5        
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 9.095e-13  
                  Kappa : 1          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA         
            Sensitivity : 1.0        
            Specificity : 1.0        
         Pos Pred Value : 1.0        
         Neg Pred Value : 1.0        
             Prevalence : 0.5        
         Detection Rate : 0.5        
   Detection Prevalence : 0.5        
      Balanced Accuracy : 1.0        
       'Positive' Class : setosa